“Following a [2021] where too many obstacles prohibited the competition to go ahead”, the awards return with a new name, ‘The Innovation in Wool Awards’ and new logo, with prizes this year amounting to £25,000, will be awarded across one to three winning project submissions.Co-presenters The Worshipful Company of Woolmen Charitable Trust and The Company of Merchants of The Staple of England in conjunction with the Campaign for Wool are seeking applications “that showcase wool in new, inspirational applications which can be either apparel, interior, agricultural, horticultural, medical, novel, industrial or other scientific wool applications”.
They noted: “In today’s environment and consideration for the health and well-being of the planet, applications should also consider sustainability as a form of innovation. Project submissions should also consider developing products and re-engineering wool that already exists or classed as waste”.The awards entry is open to “any individual who works with wool, or those who can offer a new way of working with wool” with a closing date of 17 July.